This show was about two weeks ago, so typical to my usual style, I am only just now posting this. This is a total change of pace from my last post which was full of Ferraris. But variety is the spice of life. I think this show was for some sort of charity. It was held in a Springdale parking lot. Pretty neat little show.
Click to read more to view the rest of the pictures.
As is usually the case, I have quite a delay to posting pictures, but hey, better late then never. For this part, I am posting the pictures that I took while all the exotics were at the Crystal Bridges museum in Bentonville. Sorry about the shadows in some of the pictures, the sun was setting.
British engineering. Old and new.
Yep, there are a handful more pictures of the P4/5.
The Crescent Classic was really something else. It's so great to see exotic cars so near my own home. Just a short drive away on the always entertaining highway 62 (unless you're stuck behind somebody slow) and you're there, in beautiful Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
The beautiful Crescent Hotel.
This was the view that greeted us at the hotel. Ominous looking rain clouds. I was not able to stay all that long, because it did start raining fairly unpleasantly.
Click the read more link to see more pictures. Don't worry. I took lots.
And now to post the remainder of the pictures and videos I took at the Arkansas Show and Go autocross in Rogers, Arkansas. It took me way too long. But it's okay, my excuse is having two jobs.
Just a sample of the leftover pictures I have, click read more for all of them. Plus some video.
And here is the extremely delayed part 2 of the Arkansas Show and Go autocross from Rogers, Arkansas. Some very impressive cars did make it out, too bad the rain made a lot of the run times seem irrelevant.
I was glad to see the "MI6 Apporoved" Lotus make it out. It always has a nice sound thanks to the turbo and bov.
And now it's time for the long overdue post about the Arkansas Show and Go sponsored autocross that took place at the Frisco Station Mall. It rained that day. A lot. Luckily, that didn't stop the organizers from calling it off. They did take a break and add a few extra cones when one of the competitors spun out onto a curb during the heaviest portion of rain. None of the times were competitive or significant but it was very entertaining to watch. After a while the rain did let up, and the parking lot dried up.
Click read more for more Lake Frisco Station Mall action shots and even some video.
To the very few people I have that actually go to this blog, I went back and re-edited all the old posts so that there is now a jump break, (one of those "read more" button links) hopefully that will make the site less cluttered looking and easier to load.
Fairly soon I will have pictures and videos up from the August 26 autocross in Rogers. It may have rained that day, but that didn't really stop anybody.
Here is a video preview of what sort of cool stuff I will be posting soon when I get some time.